Saturday, June 25, 2011


I had been looking forward to today, i think Dennis would have been to. He said to me he really liked coming to the hospice every Friday, he didn't do much during the week as he was no longer very mobile. However he was looking forward to moving into a new place, where he would have been able to do alot more, and his life would have more like it was before he became ill three years ago. He lived with his brother in Penge, where he had lived his whole life, he said he liked living there alot though it had changed so much. We had come up with an idea together which we were both passionate about taking forward. We began to make some of the bottles last week, which i suspect was the last thing Dennis ever made. He wrote some memories for me on paper, which we placed in the bottles. The memories were mainly about his dog, Lennie.

Its imposible to anticipate such news, He seemed so healthy last Friday, as far as i was aware, he seemed to be one of the fittest patients. That's why i cannot understand. Meeting someone so close to the end of there life is such a odd experience, working with him gave me such a sense of joy because of his optimism. He was very ill, but managed to put on a brave face. I would almost forget about his illness when i was talking to him.

I still feel i want to carry on with the project and make something which he would have liked. He was excited for the presentation day. I will now trap memories of my own of us working together inside the bottles.

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