Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Friday Visit
One the 3rd friday visit, we were meant to begin working on the techniques with the patients. Although previous week sandra couldnt come and i was pared with a new patient Susan. Susan and myself got acqainted, talking about the project and then talking about our lives. We had a lot in common, we talked about dancing and how she attended a special danceing school and i went to a stage school, how it cost a lot of money for both our mothers, and we mentioned how we both were appreciated to our mothers and the way they sacrifised everything. I brought in some objects so we can try out some casting. Because she was knew to the group she wasnt sure if she had to bring anything so when we looked at one of my objects (shell) we both shared some interesting thoughts towards the shell. I mentioned how my mother loves collecting shells, and how we have many in our home, and Susan mentioned how she collected many when going to the beach. So we talked more about the beach and how my last visit to the beach was in blackpool and she mentioned that she went to the beach a lot as a child with her family.
When i indroduuced her to the project and the final event, we got starting with the plaster casting and using the shell that i brought in and i found that successful, we were really happy with the results. We also did the same with the wax casting and that went really well as well. So we moved on to doing cyanotype and although I had one really ood example, it was raining and when i tried to expose the picture to the light, there was not enough sunlight and to much rain and the pictures didnt come out unfourtunatly.
Overall the visit i found was very successful, despite that Sandra couldnt atent, i feel i achieved a lot with Susan and i know my idea for the final clearly.
Alice Roudenko

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