Wednesday, June 15, 2011



The aim: The purpose of this project is to create a final collaborative instillation/ presentation of artwork between us (Year 12 Brit School students) and the patients who signed up for the program at St Christopher’s Hospice.

Achieving this: To achieve this we plan to work with the patients to create an instillation or/ and instillation surrounding objects and or stories that are close and significant to the patients we will then decide with the patient how to go forward and what they want to or are willing to use. This can be displayed very literally or abstract in form.

This activity itself is the ‘development’ because everything we do and work through weekly can be used in the final outcome

Hopefully the activity will affect everybody involved positively the idea is not as concerned with the final outcome or it having to be spectacular but the actual process itself of not only the creating but also the relationships built and the learning about each other and connections that are made.

Venue: Although at this point a final Venue has not been selected the facility (St Christopher’s Hospice) I saw a tour of the place and really liked the gardens. I think most likely if possible that outside may be a main base, though there is also an assembly room where some of the patients seem to have meetings and group therapy sessions – this may also be beneficial to use as the patients are accustom to being there and will most likely not have an issue with being there.

Some issues: Some main issue is that we may have are that not all of the patients may have the strength or ability to complete some of our workshops so for this reason if necessary we will set it up so we always have material to work with for example: if a patient can not physically make a plaster cast based on their object instead I may video them talking about it and the visually represent this in a different way. Another restraint we may have is that the patients have different meetings and sessions that may collide with the workshops in case of this we plan to get patients to sign up for time slots so that we have a more stable schedule.

Health and Safety: Before all workshops a health and safety brief will be explained and checked and all capabilities of the patients will be considered and altered accordingly for example if some one was very frail for health and safety we may opt to do most of the workshop inside in oppose to outside.

Public blog documentation and sensitive info to only be recorded in sketchbooks.

Who is involved? As a community although the project will be run by us and the patients a (obviously due to space) limited amount of people in the community will be allowed to attend the final event.

With this project it is all about really getting people involved and not just outlining what we want to do so for this reason we will try and work with the patients strengths and interest to make sure we are utilizing people and their skills.

When is it? The final event will be held on July the 8th 2011

Budget: Our overall budget for this project is 200 pounds.

Workshop 1:

The main aim for this workshop will just to get to know each other a bit better we may record this visually with mini activities that help break the ice like one person sharing a story or about an object that is special to them while the other draws what they are hearing blindfolded. We have triled this in lesson time and it seemed like it may be a good ice breaker and quite light hearted. Also if permitted we may take some photographs of what we are doing and of the patient. We may also use other medias such as voice recording to help with the activities.

Workshop 2: On this workshop we will set up earlier the darkroom space by blacking out the gaps of light. We will then continue on from workshop one in activities surrounding personal items and stories and making traces of these whether this is note taking, picture taking etc.

In the following workshops we plan to start development of the final instillation/outcome.

Workshop 1

Explaining the theme of the project and the overall aim, getting to know the person better and exchanging stories. Using an excersize like the eyes closed story telling to get into the project and break the ice. Taking photos all trough it to create an animation afterwards

Workshop 2

Teaching the workshop of casting and cynotype with the people encouraging them to use objects that are close to them

Workshop 3

Working on the final ideas and planning the outcome

Workshop 4

Creating the final outcome.

Final ideas sofar

So far I really feel like going forward with the flock of birds instillation is a good idea. I just feel like it is a really nice way to look at things going away as a flock of birds are beautiful and that it is a good way to get people invoved. But obviously as this is a collaborative project the final piece will be more clear after further discussion with the client.

I do also like the shadow idea and I think this relates more to the ‘traces’ side and I thought of combining both ideas but then using origami would not work. So my other option could be making bird casts with crystal resin or glass wax and instead of using images, using objects or casts of objects to trap inside of them. This may work but I do not know how practical it is.

Location: I have not come to a definite decsision on the final outcome but I do know that I want the work to be hung in a sky view area and all next to each other.

By Sakile

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